
Launch of a tool for policymakers and program managers
Today, the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative launches the Home Visiting Workforce Needs Assessment Tool in six languages.The Tool was recently
Webinar: transforming the education workforce
Global Network of Deans of Education (GNDE) is offering a webinar on teacher education & development in general which has application to the
Representatives come together focused on the workforce
The Global Early Childhood Workforce Meeting, organized under the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative, brought together country delegations from 9
COVID-19 Early Childhood Education Workforce Survey
Since the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus outbreak as a global pandemic in March, a crisis continues to escalate, affecting
Deadline Extended - Call for Evidence
The Early Childhood Workforce Initiative is currently identifying country case studies and literature to inform two studies on Continuous Quality
Most downloaded resources of 2019
Over the last several years, resources from more than 70 countries found their way into our Knowledge Hub – making it the go-to for a variety of