NEWS: Urging alignment for the social service workforce in ECA

A recent Call to Action released by Oxford Policy Management and UNICEF Europe and Central Asia, seeks to ensure that functions, competences and qualifications across the social service workforce are aligned. The publication calls for qualified personnel in roles that require professional competences and for the correct of personnel to be deployed across the region in a range of services.

The governments of the region are called upon to act upon the following:

  1. Agreeing to a common set of definitions of the social service and allied workforces in the ECA region
  2. Effective long-term planning of the social service workforce and aligning functions, processes, competencies and qualifications
  3. Developing the competencies of the social service workforce
  4. Supporting the social service workforce

This document, Call to Action on the Social Service Workforce Strengthening in the Europe and Central Asia Region, also lays out the definitions used for the social services and allied workforces mentioned in the Call.

You can find the Call to Action on our Knowledge Hub.
Read more about Oxford Policy Management and UNICEF Europe and Central Asia.