World Teachers’ Day - the right to a qualified teacher

Early years teachers have the powerful opportunity to support children as they grow. We must properly support them.

Today, World Teachers’ Day, we celebrate teachers and their important role in the lives of young children. Early years educators and caregivers are a part of children’s lives at a critical time in their development. These professionals — through their day-to-day interactions — have the opportunity to transform a child’s developmental trajectory.

The theme of this years’ World Teachers’ Day is The right to education means the right to a qualified teacher. This day is celebrated to highlight the role of teachers in the development of children, but also in society as a whole.

While today is a day of celebration, it is also an opportunity to create a discussion around the size and scope of the challenges faced by early years educators. Across the globe, issues remain when it comes to recruiting and retaining qualified professionals. Qualified teachers often choose to leave the field due to inadequate compensation and a lack of opportunities for career advancement. We know that having well-trained and supported early childhood personnel is linked to positive developmental outcomes for young children. Still, greater efforts are needed to strengthen their preparation and ongoing support. In order to nurture young children, we must nurture those who educate and care for them.

World Teachers' Day commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. The Recommendation addresses the rights and responsibilities of teachers and set standards for recruitment, employment, teaching and learning conditions.

Many resources on our Knowledge Hub address issues pertaining to professionals working in early education and care. You can find them here.