Social service workforce week – frontline for child protection

This is a Call to Action. It is time to strengthen the social service workforce to better protect children and achieve the SDGs. Will you join in the efforts?

Monday, September 24 marks the beginning of the Social Service Workforce Week. For the last five years, this day has been celebrated annually. It is a week to celebrate and appreciate the frontline working to improve our communities each day.

This year, the focus is on those social workers working to protect children and the need to secure funding to ensure a well-trained, well-developed and well-supported workforce to improve outcomes for these children. Increased advocacy efforts are essential to this objective.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide an unprecedented opportunity to do upgrade advocacy efforts. The SDGs provide an extraordinary opportunity to influence policy in local contexts, across nations and throughout the globe. They further highlight the need for inter-sectoral work to address the most pressing issues of our time. More than ever before, it is clear that we must home in on the intersection of the work of the social service workforce and those working on health challenges, violence prevention and migration.

This week places this intersection in the spotlight, asking us to rise in one as one collective voice in order to bring attention to the need to strengthen the frontline workforce that will be vital to the achievement of the SDGs.

This Social Service Workforce Week will include webinars, a Twitter chat and more. You can join the collective Call to Action by tweeting with the hashtag #SSWWeek or by signing up for the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance’s newsletter.