Berkeley releases Early Childhood Workforce Index 2018

The Center for the Study of Child Care Employment (CSCCE) recently released its Early Childhood Workforce Index 2018. The Index represents an appraisal of early childhood workforce conditions and policies across the United States. This new edition notes changes in workforce conditions since the release of the first edition in 2016.

The Early Childhood Workforce Index 2018 is divided into four chapters, covering topics from characteristics of the early educator workforce across States, data on workforce pay in relation to other occupations and state policies in various areas.

The report highlights opportunities for policies that would enhance the lives of early educators and the children they care for.

According to the report’s co-author Dr. Caitlin McLean, “Early educators’ skills, knowledge, and well-being are inseparable from the quality of children’s early learning experiences. Yet our system of preparing, supporting, and rewarding early educators in the United States remains largely ineffective, inefficient, and inequitable.”

You can learn more about the Index on the CSCCE website.