Country Study Series highlighted in Early Childhood Matters

A new article, from Michelle Neuman and Mark Roland of R4D, asks: what do early childhood professionals and paraprofessionals need to know and be able to do in order to succeed in their roles? What motivates members of the early childhood workforce in their day-to-day work? What policies are needed to support a qualified, stable workforce at scale?

This new article, entitled Policy lessons for strengthening and supporting the early childhood workforce, highlights The Early Childhood Workforce Initiative’s three country studies. These studies shed light on the challenges affecting the quality and supply of early childhood workforce and identify recommendations to overcome these bottlenecks in each country. While each study focuses on specific members of the early childhood workforce who support young children and their families, researchers from R4D discovered several challenges that were present across countries and professions.

To learn more about these challenges and recommendations for overcoming them, look in the Bernard Van Leer Foundation’s 2018 edition of Early Childhood Matters.