New resource on engaging young children

Last month, a new resource was released that puts a focus on engaging young children -and those who work with them.

The early years of set the tone for a child’s future development. Wide recognition of this fact has persuaded many countries to increase the financial support for the provision to Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). Currently, dialogue has shifted from increasing access to ECEC to enhancing the quality.

Policymakers require the latest knowledge about the quality dimensions that are important to ensure children’s development. The current research available often has a limited focus or hones in on only one aspect of quality in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC).

This book from the OECD, draws lessons from a cross-national literature review and meta-analysis of the relationship between ECEC structure, process quality and links to child development and learning.

Issues such as child-staff ratios, staff training and qualifications, as well as, the quality of staff-child interactions and developmental activities are discussed.

The resource includes key insights and avenues for further research. You may buy to book or find the PDF online here.