Scaling up the early childhood workforce webinar recording available

Did you miss the webinar last week? You can still listen to the recording.

Last week, the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative hosted an exciting and well-received webinar that discussed challenges in scaling up the early childhood workforce. The webinar explored two programs. We heard from the Cuna Más home visiting program in Peru and a program supported by PATH Mozambique which focuses on integrating early childhood development screening and counselling into the routine work of community health workers and clinical providers. Both programs will be highlighted in upcoming research publications under ECWI.

Webinar panelists included two researchers working on the Peru country study that will launch later this month, Gabriela Guerrero (GRADE) and Kimberly Josephson (Results for Development). Additionally, the webinar included insight from Jordi Fernandez (PATH) and Nami Kawakyu (Kawayku Consulting) who are involved PATH’s maternal and child health work in Mozambique. The webinar was a forum to discuss three major questions.

1.   What are the most effective approaches to training and mentoring early childhood workers involved in delivering early stimulation and health and nutrition services to children age birth to 3 and their families?
2.   What are the biggest strengths and challenges in professionalizing and retaining members of the early childhood workforce as programs look to scale further?
3.   What are some approaches to enhancing job satisfaction of members of the early childhood workforce who may be working on a voluntary basis or receiving low remuneration?

You can find the webinar here. And, find all past webinars in the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative playlist.