The Second Biennial Conference on Childhood and Youth: Democratic Change, Social Justice and Peace Processes

CINDE invites to participate in the Second Latin American Biennial Childhood and Youth from 7 to 11 November 2016, in the city of Manizales Colombia.  

The II Latin American Biennial Conference Childhood and Youth is led by the University of Manizales, the Centre International Foundation for Education and Human Development (CINDE), the Latin American Council of Science Sociales (CLACSO), the Latin American Network of Graduate Studies in childhoods and Youths (REDINJU) and the Working Group: "Youths, Childhood: Policy, Culture and Social Institutions in Latin America", and supported by the Latin American Council of social Sciences (CLACSO).

This event is focused on bringing together ideas of different groups - academic, social and cultural - researchers, networks and collectives that have taken place in Latin America on issues of Children and Youth, which serve to implement and develop strategies to work for communities.

Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, government representatives and international organizations responsible for the design and implementation of public policies, social leaders and professionals working in organizations and programs for children and youth and groups and youth organizations are invited to take part.

For more information, we invite you to consult the website: