ISSA Conference 2016

ISSA Conference: Early Childhood in Times of Rapid Change, which will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania 11-13 October 2016, with a special focus on early childhood workforce.

As one of the Conference strands via Meaningful Preparation of the Workforce, delegates will consider:

  • How to promote meaningful learning for and among practitioners to empower them to inspire learning in children and families?
  • How to ensure that current and future early childhood practitioners are fully equipped with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed in these times of rapid change?
  • What new approaches, tools and methods are available to enhance meaningful preparation of the workforce, and to what extent are cross-sectoral (peer and group) learning or online learning exploited to nurture reflection, mutual learning and support, collegiality and co-creation of professional knowledge?

More information about the Conference can be found at