This study consolidates the evidence base across the EU28 regarding the diversity of the teaching workforce with regard to migrant and/or minority background. Increasing diversity within the teaching profession is one potential response to the evolving needs of an increasingly multicultural learner population. In particular, the study has: identified and analysed the existing statistical data on the current diversity of the teaching workforce; explored the prevalence of the different barriers to teacher diversity; mapped the policies and initiatives implemented; and, examined the evidence on the effectiveness of the policies. To do so, the study methodology comprised: a literature review drawing on both European and international research; primary research with national experts for the compilation of 28 country profiles; ten in-depth cases studies of policies/initiatives promoting teacher diversity; a comparative analysis of findings; a virtual Policy Delphi; and, two high-level diversity expert seminars. In this executive summary, we set out the main findings and recommendations emerging from the research.