Research study

Key Data on Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe


Key Data on Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe aims to provide insights into what constitutes high quality early childhood education and care through policy-driven and internationally comparable indicators.

This European Commission report, published jointly by Eurydice and Eurostat, combines statistical data and system level information to describe the structure, organization and funding of early childhood education and care in Europe.

The report covers issues essential to policymakers, such as, access to ECEC, governance, quality assurance, affordability, professionalization of staff, leadership, parent involvement and measures to support disadvantaged children.

Resource file:

2013 Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce Review


The purpose of this review is to:

  • review the progress of the ECEC sector towards meeting the qualification requirements of the NQF that came into effect from 1 January 2014, particularly in relation to Early Childhood Teachers (ECTs) and rural and remote workforces
  • identify areas which require further attention so additional support can be provided.

According to the report, although progress has been achieved, there are still challenged, across seven themes, that need to be addressed in order to further improve the ability of the sector to meet the NQF qualification requirements. Those challenges evolve around the following topics: 1) challenges in gaining qualifications: New entrants to the ECEC sector; 2) challenges in gaining qualifications: Up-skilling the existing workforce; 3) workforce challenges for ECEC services (including attracting and retaining staff); and 4) challenges for interpretation and application of NQF qualification requirements.