Workforce Designs: A Policy Blueprint for State Early Childhood Professional Development Systems


NAEYC formulated this state professional development systems policy blueprint as part of the Early Childhood Workforce Systems Initiative. This initiative focuses on the underlying state public policies that support integrated early childhood professional development systems. This blueprint focuses on the policies that connect professional development activities and that support and make possible effective implementation of a state system of professional development. It highlights principles and six policy areas that build or sustain an integrated system—a system that ensures quality in all settings in which early childhood professionals work. These principles and highlighted policy areas look beyond the status quo; they are aimed at the development and retention of a competent and stable early childhood workforce—a skilled cadre of effective, diverse, and adequately compensated professionals. This policy blueprint also includes a listing of sample state strategies in each of the six key policy areas. Since state policies do not begin—and will not end up—in the same place, this tool is intended to serve as a starting point for states to expand, change, and adapt for their own political and professional contexts and needs.


Sarah LeMoine


NAEYC - National Association for the Education of Young Children

Year of Publication:


Resource web file: