Michelle Neuman and Tomi Oyedele discuss the global challenge of recruiting and retaining qualified early childhood workers.

Experts are urging significant policy shifts and substantial new investments to revamp how those working with young children are prepared, supported, and compensated.

BLOG: Strengthening the Workforce’s Role in ECD. A personal account of the energetic and inspiring AfECN Conference in Nairobi.

This year’s World Health Assembly marked a turning point for young children around the world with the launch of the Nurturing Care for Early Childhood Development Framework.

BLOG: Experts tell us four challenges facing the early childhood workforce — and what we can do to address them.

Child care workers, preschool teachers, teacher assistants, social workers, community health workers, nurses — these are just a sampling of the many women and men who work with our youngest children to ensure their healthy development. Through their…

Teachers are an essential component in the success of any education system. High-quality teachers are critical to student learning, and competitive salaries are one of the most effective ways to attract and retain effective teachers. However,…