Europe and Central Asia

Roads to Quality - Strengthening Professionalism in Early Childhood Education and Care Systems


Based on its long experience in working with practitioners, mostly in challenging contexts, ISSA has articulated an approach that embeds the values and practices that are considered to lead to meaningful and sustainable mechanisms for continuous professional growth.

An important outcome of this process is called “Roads to Quality”. This is more than a guidebook explaining how the resources in the ISSA Quality Resource Pack can be used to increase the quality of practices in early childhood education services. It stands for ISSA’s approach towards practitioners’ professional growth and nurturing their professionalism. It stands for the systemic change in early childhood education systems that should reflect the concern to invest in professionalism. As a democratic and inclusive professional learning community, ISSA promotes learning within its network, while at the same time bringing in knowledge and innovation from outside the network.

With this guidebook, ISSA proposes not only a quality framework for early childhood education practices—including a range of resources supporting its translation into practice—but also a “know-how” approach that reflects the consistency between scaffolding children’s development and learning, and scaffolding practitioners’ professional growth in such a way that each achieves their full potential.

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The Social Service Workforce as Related to Child Protection in Southeast Europe: A Regional Overview


This regional (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania and Serbia) overview aims to sketch the social service workforce—with a focus on those engaged in the child protection system—in southeast Europe. Specific research areas include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Perceptions and understandings of social service work
2. Who does what and where
3. Policy and regulatory frameworks
4. Organization and funding of child protection systems
5. Competencies and standards for the social service workforce
6. Professional development opportunities
7. Motivation and support
8. Working conditions for the workforce
The finding of the study can be used for improving the child protection system and the lives of children, families and communities by multiple stakeholders which among other include: national governments, professional social service worker associations, NGOs and civil society agencies that rely on the social service workforce to provide child protection services, and educational institutions who train social service workers.
This report represents part of a global research movement to map the social service workforce in diverse regions, which aims at highlighting promising approaches and unique elements to certain countries whereas at the same time identifies common challenges and trends across regions.


Child Protection Hub

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Early Years Workforce Strategy


This Early Years Workforce Strategy from the United Kingdom details how the department for Women, Equalities and the Early Years plans to support the early years sector and remove barriers to attracting, retaining and developing the early years workforce. 

Chapter one of this document focuses on attracting staff to the sector, while the second chapter takes a look at retaining and developing staff. Several commitments are also addressed in this strategy, including: 

  • Enabling staff with Early Years Educator qualification who also hold level 2 English and mathematics qualifications, including Functional Skills, to count in the level 3 staff:child ratios.
  • Consulting on allowing those with Early Years Teachers Status (EYPS), and its predecessor Early Years Professional Status (EYPS), to lead nursery and reception classes in maintained schools. 
  • Working with the sector to develop level 2 childcare qualfication criteria.
  • Improving the quality of early years training and providing access to continous professonal development (CPD).
  • Providing funding to support the sector to develop quality improvement support in partnership with schools and local authorities.

This document further addresses challenges faced by the early years workforce and actions to be taken to address these.

Quality of the ECEC Workforce in Romania: Empirical Evidence from Parents’ Experiences


The quality of the early childhood workforce is central to service provision in this area, being a major factor in determining children’s development over the course of their lives. Specific skills and competencies are expected from early childhood education and care (ECEC) workforce. Well-trained staff from ECEC settings are an extremely important factor in providing high-quality services which will positively influence the outcomes of children. The present paper analyses the quality of early childhood education and care workforce from the parents’ perspective in the context of Romania’s early childhood reform agenda. A critical review of the specific situation of the early childhood system in relation to the workforce from this sector is made in the first part of the paper in order to highlight the complexity of this issue. In the second part, the authors will present the results of empirical research developed in 2017 using qualitative and quantitative methods in order to assess the activity of early childhood education and care staff. The main challenges in this field as they emerge from research will be analyzed, the findings having implications for policy-makers and practitioners in the field of ECEC services.

A National Framework for Continuing Professional Development for Health Visitors - Standards to support professional practice


This document, commissioned by Health Education England, provides a framework for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Health Visitors.

The framework sets out the importance of CPD and offers a set of guiding principles that should be embedded in all post-qualifying training and development provided for health visitors. It builds on the standards set out in “A National Framework for Continuing Professional Development for Health Visitors - Standards for the High Impact Areas for Early Years (iHV, 2015)”. Best practice standards are offered to promote the expected knowledge, skills and attitudes that should be achieved by health visitors to support the development of professional practice in four of the key areas identified from policy, key stakeholders and practitioners.

The four standards for Continuing Professional Development included in this document are seen as essential to support the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme ( DH, 2009) and the health visitor service specification (NHS England, 2014). They cover:

  • Working therapeutically to effect change with children and families;
  • maintaining and developing prescribing practice;
  • providing and developing intelligence to inform the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Process; and
  • working in partnership with families and communities to build capacity and resilience.

Workforce Profiles in Systems of Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe


Below you may download one of the 30 Workforce Profiles (country reports) on the current status quo regarding the qualification requirements for early childhood education and care professionals (pedagogues, teachers, educators), the composition of the workforce, the systems of initial professional education and continuing professional development, current reform initiatives and research projects and selected aspects of the working conditions of staff in each of the 30 participating countries.The initial Workforce Profiles in Systems of Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe were provided by mostly long-standing cooperation partners according to a research specification which they received for comment before compilation of the data. The final versions are based on a long period of close collaboration between the editors and the authors. The reports vary in length between approximately 25 pages and 80 pages.SEEPRO-R takes a look at many of the new fundamental reforms including, qualification and competence requirements for early childhood workforce and the structures of professional studies and continuing education. More on the SEEPRO-R project here.

Resource web file:

Transforming European ECEC services and Primary schools into professional learning communities: drivers, barriers and ways forward


Transforming European ECEC services and Primary schools into professional learning communities: drivers, barriers and ways forward focuses on Professional Learning Communities, within competent early years systems, which help professionals better serve the complex needs of families and their children.The diverse societies in which we live make it impossible to find standardized solutions for all families. New competences like negotiation and reflection must be integrated with additional forms of continued professional development (CPD) that focus on the active and democratic participation of staff.Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are a valuable answer to this complex issue. PLCs are ‘groups of people sharing and critically interrogating their practice in an on-going, reflective, collaborative, inclusive, learning-oriented, growth-promoting way’.Competent systems are essential for the creation and maintenance of PLCs. The latter require a multilevel network of competences, structural conditions, engagement, and awareness. This report seeks to:

  1. provide a framework to explain the need for PLCs today;
  2. offer a clear definition of the essential criteria that define a PLC, with concrete examples from several European countries; and
  3. provide four in-depth case studies—from Belgium (Flanders), Croatia, Italy and Slovenia—which illustrate different ways of establishing and sustaining PLCs.

The report includes specific conclusions and recommendations for policy makers in Member States. Please note that the report focuses on services and schools for 0 to 12 years old children. However, the key concepts and conclusions could also be re-adapted for secondary school.

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Review of Occupational Role Profiles in Ireland in Early Childhood Education and Care


Review of Occupational Role Profiles in Ireland in Early Childhood Education and Care presents a profile for the early childhood profession in Ireland.

The aim is to develop the Irish early childhood care and education sector into a genuine Competent System. A central requirement for achieving this goal is a shared orientation for all practitioners working with children from birth to eight years, regardless of occupational status, job title and level of formal qualification.

The concept of Competent Systems in early childhood has been developed by the CoRe project – an international study that investigated Competence Requirements in Early Childhood Education and Care on behalf of the European Commission (Urban, Vandenbroeck, Van Laere, Lazzari, & Peeters, 2011). Central to a competent system is that shared orientations are not only required of practitioners ‘on the ground’ but of all professionals and institutions that together constitute the early childhood system: early childhood settings, training and professional preparation, research, regulation and governance, inspection and evaluation.

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