Europe and Central Asia

Competence requirements in early childhood education and care: A study for the European Commission Directorate-General for Education and Culture


There is a broad consensus among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers that the quality of early childhood services – and ultimately the outcomes for children and families – depends on well-educated, experienced and ‘competent’ staff. But what exactly makes a competent early childhood practitioner? How can competence be understood, and its development supported, in the highly complex and demanding field of working professionally with young children, families and communities? What approaches do different countries take, and what lessons can be learnt from practices developed by practitioners, training institutions and policymakers across Europe? This report presents the findings of a European research project jointly conducted by the University of East London (UEL) and the University of Ghent (UGent). The ‘study on competence requirements in early childhood education and care’ (CoRe) explored conceptualisations of ‘competence’ and professionalism in early childhood practice, and identified systemic conditions for developing, supporting and maintaining competence in all layers of the early childhood system. In the light of the research findings, and intensive consultation with key stakeholders in ECEC in Europe, CoRe has developed policy recommendations, which are also part of this report.

The aim of CoRe is to provide policy-relevant information, advice and case studies with regard to the competences required for the ECEC workforce and how to support competence development from a systemic perspective. In order to achieve its aims, CoRe has conducted original research, reviewed previous work and international literature, and consulted with experts in the field over a period of 15 months. In this report, we present the findings of the different but interrelated strands of this process which underpin the policy recommendations regarding systemic competence development and professionalisation in early childhood education and care in Europe. By providing informed views on the questions at stake we hope to initiate discussion, to provoke new thinking, and to encourage new questions.

Working conditions, training of early childhood care workers and quality of services – A systematic review


The focus of this report is on the impact of the working conditions and continuous professional development (CPD) of the workforce in the field of early childhood education and care (ECEC) on the quality of the services provided and, in particular, on the outcomes for children. The report reviews research evidence from all 28 EU Member States, including both English and non-English language studies. The aim is to identify how the training and development of ECEC workers who operate in a range of settings might be tailored to most effectively improve the quality of the care and education services available for children below primary-school age in EU Member States. The review establishes what are known to be, on the basis of available research evidence, the links between CPD interventions, working conditions and outcomes for children. In so doing, it aims to inform policymakers’ decisions on effective strategies for sustaining the quality of ECEC through investment in its workforce. The evidence points to critical factors in CPD intervention.

An Independent Review of the Scottish Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Workforce and Out of School Care (OSC) Workforce


The Early Learning and Childcare workforce (ELC) and Out of School Care (OSC) workforce have long been recognised as diverse and disparate. Within such diverse provision there are major differences in work environments, qualifications, recruitment, retention and staff progression routes.

This Review is informed by:

  • Evidence gathered during focus groups and discussions with practitioners and key stakeholder institutions and bodies
  • Visits made to schools and ELC and OSC settings
  • Information gathered though two online consultations
  • Meetings with the Early Years Division and other Government officials
  • Consultation with the Core Reference Group of stakeholders

In addition, it has considered, and built upon, previous research, developments and policies both within and beyond Scotland. These provide an evidence base against which comparisons have been made of current Scottish processes and practices related to the workforces.

The purpose of this Review is to identify and make recommendations on how the skills, qualifications and training of staff working within the early learning and childcare and out of school care sectors, from birth to age 14, can contribute to improved outcomes for children, help to reduce social inequality and close the attainment gap, based on the evidence gathered in the course of the Review and wider research evidence.

This Review’s proposals are radical and wide-ranging. They are inter-related and should be seen as an integrated set – and not separately. They build on the many existing strengths of the ELC and OSC
sector within Scotland. They aim to support both a vision for the future and a coherent and manageable means for realising that vision.

Resource file:

Key Data on Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe


Key Data on Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe aims to provide insights into what constitutes high quality early childhood education and care through policy-driven and internationally comparable indicators.

This European Commission report, published jointly by Eurydice and Eurostat, combines statistical data and system level information to describe the structure, organization and funding of early childhood education and care in Europe.

The report covers issues essential to policymakers, such as, access to ECEC, governance, quality assurance, affordability, professionalization of staff, leadership, parent involvement and measures to support disadvantaged children.

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