
Guidelines to Strengthen the Social Service Workforce for Child Protection


The Guidelines to Strengthen the Social Service Workforce for Child Protection 2018 (the Guidelines), developed in consultation with UNICEF Headquarters and regional offices and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliancec (GSSWA), are informed by evidence of ‘what works’ and lessons learned in the field. They are designed to accelerate UNICEF regional and country offices’ programming on social service workforce strengthening, and support work to better plan, develop and support the social services workforce with national and regional partners. The Guidelines are intended to complement the Programme Guidance on Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Children and Adolescents (Programme Guidance on VAC), recognizing that a qualified social service workforce, paid and unpaid, government and non-governmental professionals and para-professionals are often the first line of response for children and families and the most important element of a well-functioning child protection system.


Global Social Service Workforce Alliance, UNICEF

Year of Publication:


Global Survey of Inclusive Early Childhood Development and Early Childhood Intervention Programs


This global survey, which presents information on 426 programs in 121 countries in all world regions, aims to fill in existing gaps in our knowledge about the status of IECD and ECI programs internationally. Specifically, the main objectives of the survey were to: 1) Map current implementation of IECD and ECI programs and related activities; 2) Describe key IECD and ECI program features; 3) Identify gaps and challenges in providing accessible IECD and ECI services; 4) Document factors associated with successful implementation and scale-up; and 5) Generate recommendations to inform future policy and program development and national planning and implementation efforts.

The study reports program types and participants, legal frameworks that support the development and implementation of programs, program objectives, multi-sectoral cooperation, service provision, financial support and parent involvement across regions. In addition, the study highlights the barriers and enabling factors that can support the development, expansion and improvement of IECD and ECI programs. Based on the robust findings and conclusions of the study, the authors formulate 20 recommendations that can support the development, scale up and effectiveness of the IECD and ECI services globally and at the same time they issue a Call for a global agenda for the improvement and expansion of IECD and ECI programs.


RISE Institute, UNICEF, Early Childhood Development Task Force

Year of Publication:


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WEBINAR | Early childhood practitioners as advocates and activists


ISSA and R4D, in partnership with ICDI, are glad to announce a new webinar series in the framework of the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative. This webinar puts the spotlight on the notion of early childhood practice being political, and on early years practitioners as activists and change agents. In an interactive format we explore:

  • What does early childhood activism mean or look like in different political, geographical and cultural contexts?
  • Are advocacy, activism and the ability to effect positive change essential elements of professionalism in general, and therefore the early childhood profession in particular?
  • Is it reasonable to expect early childhood practitioners to balance an activist critical stance alongside other roles such as pedagogical expert; builder and maintainer of relationships with children, their parents and other professionals; as well as manager in return for little recognition and poor remuneration?

The webinar is primarily intended for early childhood practitioners, leaders in early childhood services and lecturers/trainers teaching pre-service and continuing professional development courses on leadership, professional practice in the early years, working with families with young children and social policy.  It is also beneficial to those who represent the interests of the early childhood workforce (trade unions, professional councils, representative bodies) at national and international levels.To listen to the webinar recording, click the YouTube link below. To access resources and presentations related to this webinar, visit the webinar webpage.

WEBINAR | Challenges and opportunities in integrating early years services: a spotlight on the workforce


Adopting multi-sectoral approaches in the early years, which integrate parenting support, nutrition, health, social protection, child protection, and education, is widely recognised as the way forward to meet global challenges. Multifaceted problems require both multiple as well as aligned and well-coordinated interventions. Poverty, discrimination and increasing inequalities need to be addressed in an integrated manner in order to bring about qualitative and quantitative change.

So called ‘integrated services’ are seen as desirable for responding to the complex problems that characterise the realities of children and families. Therefore, the way early childhood systems are designed, governed and financed, and the way early childhood services are delivered can make a dramatic difference in children’s as well as in their families’ life. Yet, that there are many barriers to making integration work and that it may take different shapes depending on the context.
The objective of this webinar was to discuss the conditions for interagency work from the perspective of those in a position of leadership in the early year’s workforce.

To listen to this webinar recording, visit the YouTube link below. To access videos, reports and presentations related to this webinar visit the webinar page.

Resource web file:

WEBINAR | A Spotlight on the Working Conditions of the Early Childhood Workforce


In many countries around the world, the early childhood workforce often experiences poor recognition for their work which translates to lower wages and qualifications, fewer opportunities for career development and inadequate professional development, in comparison with other professionals working to support older children and adults.

Recently, the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative conducted key informant interviews in 15 countries to understand country priorities and challenges, as well as promising approaches to supporting the early childhood workforce. The recruitment and retention of staff and volunteers as well as working conditions were among the major challenges surfaced in those conversations.

The webinar will address the following questions pertaining to the theme:

  • What working conditions do members of the early childhood workforce face?
  • To what extent are challenging working conditions a barrier in recruiting and retaining the early childhood workforce?
  • To what extent do working conditions influence the quality of service delivery?
  • What efforts have been taken in different countries to improve the working conditions of various categories of early childhood workers?

- How do countries design and implement such efforts in the face of resource constraints?

- What factors can support the introduction of policies to improve working conditions?

- What challenges are encountered in introducing these policies?

This discussion aims to cover different country contexts, and will refer to various categories of professionals and paraprofessionals from different sectors.

This webinar is intended for policymakers and program implementers interested in learning more about the working conditions that members of the early childhood workforce face as well as approaches that have been used to improve them.

Access the recording via the YouTube link below. You may also resources from the webinar, such as reccomended readings from the panel and the webinar slides, here.

Resource web file:

WEBINAR | Competences and standards: why do we need them for the early childhood workforce?


Competences and standards affect the professionalization of the workforce, the relevance of their initial training and continuous professional development, of mentoring, of monitoring and evaluation, and their improvement efforts. They can have a significant impact on those who work directly with young children and their families.

Why are professional competences and standards needed and how do they support a well-prepared workforce from their first day of preparation throughout their career? Are they contributing to quality improvement? Do they contribute to recognizing the importance of the early childhood profession?

Recently, the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative has published a landscape analysis on competences and standards for the early childhood workforce, across sectors and professions. The report provided insights into the importance of defining such policy documents for strengthening and supporting the workforce. Still, across the globe there are great disparities among countries, and within systems across sectors, on how these competences and standards are defined, the role they play in professionalizing the workforce and how they contribute to strengthening the early childhood systems in countries.

You may access the recording of this webinar via the YouTube link below. To find webinar resources, including links to videos used in the webinar and the webinar slides, visit this page.

Type: Tool
Region: Global
Resource web file:

Global Advocacy Toolkit for the Social Service Workforce


The Global Advocacy Toolkit for the Social Service Workforce from the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance focuses on creating a common narrative to advocate for social service workers. The toolkit was developed through a series of interviews with experts in the field, as well as through desk research.

This toolkit includes four sections:

  • The importance of strengthening the social service workforce
  • Advocacy – What works when talking to policy and decision-makers?
  • Global and regional opportunities
  • How do I create a context-specific advocacy outreach plan?

Developed with insight from global experts, the toolkit can be considered a resource for outreach in many settings. The Global Advocacy Toolkit was specifically designed to help the workforce in different settings and allow for localization as needed. It provides tools and tips helpful for developing and implementing an advocacy plan, including how to set up objectives, choose the audience, decide and elaborate the main messages, select the advocacy tools, develop a press release, accompanied by useful examples.   

A Comparative Study of Pre-service Education for Preschool Teachers in China and the United States


A Comparative Study of Pre-service Education for Preschool Teachers in China and the United States provides a comparative analysis of the pre-service education system for preschool educators in China and the United States. Based on collected data and materials (literature, policy documents, and statistical data).

Comparisons are made between two areas of pre-service training:

  1. the formal system;
  2. the informal system.

In the formal system, most of the Chinese preschool teachers are trained in secondary school, though the system is shifting toward a higher reliance on associate degree programs. On the other hand, the majority of preschool teachers in the United States receive pre-service education in bachelor’s degree and associate degree programs. The study examines how the United States has relied more on the formal system to train and prepare preschool teachers, while China has focused on informal pre-service training for candidates without an early childhood background.

This study concludes with a discussion of trends for possible reforms in the two countries; it also includes lessons for elevating preschool teacher preparation.

Resource web file:

Culture and Practice in Early Childhood Teacher Education: A Comparative and Qualitative Study


Culture and Practice in Early Childhood Teacher Education: A Comparative and Qualitative Study focuses on two early childhood teacher education programs in contexts where the participants are undergoing rapid social and personal change. The first is a program in Namibia, and the second is a program for immigrant childcare educators in Canada.

The study's objective is to provide in-depth understanding of the ways in which differing ideas about teacher education are reflected in practice. It stresses the importance of education programs that prepare teachers to ensure young children are ready for school, and maintain meaningful connections to the culture and language of the home community. Without such connections, many children in settings undergoing rapid change will continue to drop out of school before literacy and other skills are firmly established.

The study uses ethnographic methods to undertake fieldwork in teacher education classrooms at the two research sites over a period of two terms. The central research question focuses on the way conceptions of young children’s preschool needs are played out in each setting. The data stems from analysis of early childhood care and education and teacher education curricula; policy and other documents; focused observations in teacher education classrooms and teaching practice; and interviews with teacher educators, education officers, teachers, parents, and community leaders.

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Definition of skilled health personnel providing care during childbirth


Definition of skilled health personnel providing care during childbirth is a joint statement by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), the International Council of Nurses (ICN), the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) and the International Pediatric Association (IPA).

A background document, Defining competent maternal and newborn health professionals, outlines eight categories of maternal and newborn health (MNH) competencies that professionals must process as an integrated team, while focusing in particular on the competencies of the MNH professional providing intrapartum care.

This document and the new joint statement also link the competent MNH professional with the enabling environment comprising the six building blocks of the health system – service delivery; health workforce; information; medical products, vaccines and technologies; financing; and leadership and governance – which are essential for effective, timely, continuous, quality care.

Below you may also find the web appendix, Mapping of WHO competencies for the maternal and newborn health (MNH) professional based on previously published international standards.

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