Policy document

Colorado's Early Childhood Workforce 2020 Plan


The EC Workforce 2020 Plan sets out a three-year roadmap for a comprehensive professional development system designed to recruit, retain, compensate, develop, and support a high-quality, diverse, early childhood workforce.The first section of this plan outlines the shared vision and guiding principles that underpin the goals provided in the document. Next, the plan details six goals:

  • Workforce development
  • Recruitment and retention
  • Compensation
  • Leadership
  • Finance
  • Data and continuous quality improvement

The plan also highlights key objectives and activities to best support and advance the workforce. 

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A workforce development plan for the early childhood care and education sector in Ireland


A workforce development plan for the early childhood care and education sector in Ireland is the culmination of a significant process of research and consultation across the diverse range of stakeholders in the sector. The result is the identification of a number of agreed perspectives on the type of workforce needed to support the development of high quality Early Childhood Education and Care services in Ireland, as well as the main challenges associated with achieving these goals. 

This plan sets out the scope and vision for workforce development in Ireland, presents the main challenges and opportunities, and reveals the implementation strategy.

Resource web file:

Report on the Working Conditions of the Early Years Education and Care Sector 2017


Report on the Working Conditions of the Early Years Education and Care Sector 2017 primarily focuses on the poor working conditions and below average pay scales of all those working in the early years sector in Ireland. Diving into several issues impacting services across all provinces, in both rural and urban areas, the report includes sections on:

  • policy related issues for consideration;
  • working conditions in the early childhood sector;
  • areas of concern as views by early years professionals;
  • progressive early years investment in other EU countries; and
  • recommendations from the joint committee on children and youth affairs.

The report concludes that the lack of recognition for this profession, as well as a lack of investment and high staff turnover rate cause serious sustainability issues for early years services in Ireland.

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Preschool teachers education curricula harmonization framework in Serbia


Preschool teachers education curricula harmonization framework in Serbia, produced under the TEACH project in. This particular work package was titled "Harmonization of Preschool Teacher Training Education in Serbia." The process of curricula harmonization brought together task forces from four preschool teacher education colleges. Each task force was composed of professors, teaching assistants and students. This document lays out the jointly created framework for curriculum harmonization these four teacher education colleges in Serbia.


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Core Competency Framework for the Protection of Children


This Core Competency Framework has been developed for all disciplines, professions and staff groups undertaking a clinical role within NHS Scotland. The twin aims of the framework are
(1) to describe the key areas of child protection work that are common and core across all disciplines, professions and staff groups with a clinical role, and (2) to describe the recommended core knowledge and understanding necessary to support these areas of work. Although this framework will be most appropriate for those with an identified role in relation to protecting children, the information it contains will be of interest to anyone who needs to know how to recognise and respond to concerns about children, in the course of their other, more regular duties.

Resource web file:

Competent Educators of the 21st Century - Principles of Quality Pedagogy


Competent Educators of the 21st Century: Principles of Quality Pedagogy is a policy document that defines quality teaching practices when working with children from 3 to 10 years old, and their families, to better support the child's development and well-being. 

This resource contains:

  • A brief history of the development of the Principles, including references to the international documents on which they are built,
  • Explanations of the values the Principles represent for ISSA and its member NGOs,
  • Short suggestions for how they can be used and by whom,
  • Brief descriptions of each of the 7 Focus Areas that provide the framework for the Principles of Quality Pedagogy,
  • A list of the 20 Principles and the 85 Indicators that describe how to apply these Principles.

In addition to the to the four full PDF versions, ISSA has translated the Quality Principles into two Romani dialects: Vlaxicko and Rumungricko. You can find these on the ISSA website.

Resource web file:

Early Years Workforce Strategy


This Early Years Workforce Strategy from the United Kingdom details how the department for Women, Equalities and the Early Years plans to support the early years sector and remove barriers to attracting, retaining and developing the early years workforce. 

Chapter one of this document focuses on attracting staff to the sector, while the second chapter takes a look at retaining and developing staff. Several commitments are also addressed in this strategy, including: 

  • Enabling staff with Early Years Educator qualification who also hold level 2 English and mathematics qualifications, including Functional Skills, to count in the level 3 staff:child ratios.
  • Consulting on allowing those with Early Years Teachers Status (EYPS), and its predecessor Early Years Professional Status (EYPS), to lead nursery and reception classes in maintained schools. 
  • Working with the sector to develop level 2 childcare qualfication criteria.
  • Improving the quality of early years training and providing access to continous professonal development (CPD).
  • Providing funding to support the sector to develop quality improvement support in partnership with schools and local authorities.

This document further addresses challenges faced by the early years workforce and actions to be taken to address these.

Changing Systems & Practice to Improve Outcomes for Young Fathers, Their Children & Their Families


Changing Systems & Practice to Improve Outcomes for Young Fathers, Their Children & Their Families recognizes that, though there is an increasing interest in supporting fathers, little attention has been paid to the importance of engaging fathers under the age of 26 – particularly young fathers who are involved in child welfare systems.

This brief makes recommendations for child welfare system policy and practice, recognizing the important role that fathers play in improving their child's outcomes. The document highlights policies and programs seeking to identify, engage and support young fathers. It also includes links to practice guides and resources aimed at supporting the implementation of these recommendations. The policy recommendations in this brief address these challenges:

  • The lack of attention to the dual roles and needs of young fathers who are simultaneously navigating a transition to adulthood while learning to parent;
  • The invisibility of young fathers in child welfare systems and the dearth of opportunities for them to support the well-being of their children and families;
  • The lack of data on the characteristics and needs of young fathers; and
  • The lack of cross-system collaboration among the education, juvenile/criminal justice, early childhood education (ECE), child support enforcement, health care, homeless services, housing and mental health systems to support young fathers and their families.

Throughout the brief, voices of young fathers are shared.

Resource web file:

Stepping up for Early Childhood Education - Transforming the Early Ed Workforce; Transitions to Kindergarten; Fully Funding State Pre-K; Illinois’s Young Dual Language Learners


This online magazine, from the Journal of the National Association of State Boards, shares the following articles: 

Looking Back, Looking Forward: Tracing the Arc of Early Childhood Policy

A 30-year-old NASBE task force on early education still holds water, even as the context and concerns of the field have shifted. Lori Connors-

Tadros and Madelyn Gardner


Transforming the Early Care and Education Workforce

It’s time to improve care for the youngest learners by improving preparation and support for those who teach them. Sara Vecchiotti


States Pave the Way for Smoother Transitions to Kindergarten

Four states back statewide initiatives to make sure children are ready for kindergarten. Aaron Loewenberg


Fully Funding Pre-K through K-12 Funding Formulas

While just 11 states have tried it, inclusion of state-funded pre-K in the school funding formula may well be the best option for extending access to

more children. W. Steven Barnett and Richard Kasmin


Serving Young Dual Language Learners in Illinois

Illinois puts the accent on interagency collaboration to achieve linguistically and culturally appropriate instruction. Luisiana Meléndez and Patricia Chamberlain


Leveraging Early Childhood Data for Better Decision Making

Most states now have the tools they need to make good decisions for early learners. Now they need to learn how to use them. Philip Sirinides and Missy Coffey

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